There are still several mines on the Pilot Mountain range that mine turquoise. Turquoise is a beautiful mineral and it’s primarily used these days as a jewelry stone. You too can go and hunt for turquoise stones on wast BLM lands of Pilot Mountain range. And you should! And I should too! A we should bring along our kiddos too. What an amazing experience that would be!
It’s believed that turquoise stones promote creativity and boldness. They fight depression and instill inner calm. They are great for fighting exhaustion and panic attacks and they promote inner calm. Who doesn’t want to have those benefits always available to him. Well maybe we should all go and find our own calming and creativity promoting turquoise stone on Pilot Mountain just up the hill from Mina Nevada.

Based on Wikipedia:
Turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral that is a hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminium, with the chemical formula CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O. It is rare and valuable in finer grades and has been prized as a gemstone and ornamental stone for thousands of years owing to its unique hue. Like most other opaque gems, turquoise has been devalued by the introduction onto the market of treatments, imitations and synthetics.

One of the reasons I love to come to Mina Nevada is the turquoise hunt with my kids! Well at least that is the plan!!! I already own fun piece of land there, now I need to buy an old Southern Pacific Railroad caboose and turn it into a cabin. Than I will build little garage next to it, park few ATVs there and go turquoise hunting to the Pilot Mountain! Wouldn’t I be the coolest dad in the world if I did that? I certainly would!
In fact my piece of land in Mina Nevada is so big, that I considered bringing decommissioned Boeing 737 there and turn it into fun crazy cabin. Just wait kiddos , I’m on it! But let’s get back to our topic here, which is hunting for turquoise on Pilot Mountain.
I’m really twisted in a certain way. I have so many interests and plans. And spending the whole summer here in Mina Nevada with kids and going hunting for turquoise is one of the plans. Each of us would get little mining pick, take some water and lunch and take of for a whole day of turquoise hunting up the hill. Talk about creating memories! My kids would never forget the experience. And that’s what life really is about. Experience with people you love! I really have to bring this dream to reality! Life is short!
And off course we don’t need to own a cabin in Mina Nevada to do all these fun activities like hunting – mining – searching for turquoise on Pilot Mountain range. There is a great RV park in Mina Nevada and is available to everyone. So maybe we will see each other there this coming summer. In the meantime I’ll be dreaming about prospecting the Pilot Mountain for some beautiful turquoise with my kiddos! See you guys over there!