I only recently found out that there wasn’t a turn table in Mina Nevada. There was a so called WYE to turn the locomotives and engines.

I was surprised by this. Because until now I thought that the historic photo of Round House of Mina, NV was actually the turn table. Well, people corrected me. And I’m thankful for that! I have a lot to learn still about this beautiful town. And I’m learning!!
The Round House of Mina, NV was used to store locomotives and trains. And usually round houses accompany the turn table. But with the plenty of land available in Mina, NV, the Southern Pacific railroad company installed WYE – a track arrangement shaped like “Y” to turn engines and locomotives.
Wye – Definition
A triangle of railroad track used for turning locomotives or trains
I learned something new again today about Mina Nevada history and I know that there is still so much to learn and discover about this beautiful ghost town in Mineral County Nevada.