More and more you can find about Mina Nevada town on internet. It is getting discovered again. Like in the old times when silver was found in this area by miners. But now the reason is the freedom from the cities, the remoteness and serenity that’s becoming the attraction.
The small town of Mina, Nevada is settled far from the hustle and bustle of large cities. Coming here feels like coming to a different world. World of peace and quite. And that’s what I believe people are seeking these days.
Life is short. Our time is limited. And we humans crave the meaning and significance. We get lost in big city. Our time is spend fast as it seams. Not in Mina. Time slows down. You’re one of few here. And that makes you feel like you took a grip of your life back. You slowed the time for yourself. You size every moment in here!
Now it is impossible to live here in Mina for many people. People have jobs. Their kids go to schools and do countless of activities city provides. So we are sort of trapped in a big city living our life we created for ourselves. I understand. I’m one of them. And that’s just fine. Or is it?
The way we can get the benefits from town like Mina Nevada is to escape the hustle and bustle and come here to recreate at least. Maybe we come here for weekend get away trips. Is that unusual way to spend a weekend? I think so. But why not? There plenty of opportunity to camp here or park your RV here and enjoy the quite beautiful desert environment.
And lots of people already do that. They come to Mina Nevada to enjoy it, admire it and learn the history of it. I believe the pandemic started all that and it is not coming back to the way it was. People learned the value of open space and quite. They discovered the value of unusual uncrowned vacation. And who can blame them for it. It’s only natural to us human beings.