Amazing photo guys! I love this old historic photo of Southern Pacific Co. Round house in Mina Nevada.
I often call it turn table, but obviously as written on this photograph it is also called round house!
I have personal attachment to this round house and it’s history. It’s my little secret. Some day I will share it 🙂 In the mean time, enjoy this beautiful piece of history of this beautiful town of Mina, NV.
So as I found out, me calling this round house turn table was wrong. These are 2 different things. Roundhouse is a building where locomotives and trains are stored. Turntable is a place where locomotives are turned. And Mina Nevada never had turn table as I found out just few days ago. The lady, a historian enthusiast of Nevada’s history and librarian notified me about it. And she told me that the info on my website is wrong. Mina never had turn table!
And now I know. There was never a turn table in Mina Nevada. There was a so called WYE for turning the trains there.