Here is the pieced out Mina Nevada map from June 1917 created by Royal & Queen Inc Cos.
Some of these buildings are still standing in Mina today. And it is so fun to point to them and say: “ This was a meat market before or Ice House.” “Here is the foundation that used to be Mina Railroad Depot. Or, “here is where the particular saloon was.”

Too bad I don’t have the map like this from the opposite side – west side of the railroad tracks where Mina Nevada Roundhouse used to stand or Francine’s Lucky Strike saloon used to be. Maybe sometime in the future I will find it. And I’m sure I will eventually and share it with you.

It’s so great to see this historic map from 1917 of what was where then in Mina Nevada. And it does really seam that it was a booming mining town then and had great community of people, shops, bars and saloons that served the miners and other western folks and dreamers.