That’s right everyone! Mina Nevada has airport! How cool is that! Now, it is not large commercial airport where you can land jumbo jets but, it is still an airport. And a very cool one!
This Mina Nevada Airport is a public use airport and is owned by Bureau of Land Management. So I believe if I or you owned the right kind of airplane and I knew how to fly it, I would be able to land here. And off course take off from here. Now you might say, off course Milan, airports are for landing and taking off. Yes exactly!!!
Suddenly, as many say Mina Nevada is in the middle of nowhere, it is not true! I believe you can fly here from San Francisco or Los Angeles in most likely under 2 hours. And flying from Reno or Las Vegas here will take way under 1 hour. That is so awesome!
Now imagine you are small sports air plain flying enthusiast and you’re looking for fun get away place to buy. Maybe little house with small air plain hangar in the backyard is the coolest place you should have.
Park your plain into your hangar anytime you fly here from Las Vegas for a weekend. Or just park it in the backyard like you’d park your boat. And when it’s time to go home again, you hop into your plain instead of a car. You drive yourself to the Mina Airport and fly home. Yes people do it! They just drive their small plain from their home to the airport and take off! There is even book writen about it! Check it out. It’s called Heart Of The Desert by Jack Randy Martin. It’s a fiction book about Mina Nevada and the main character owner of a shop in Mina owns an air plain. And he flies in and out of Mina all the time while his plain is parked in his hangar next to his house there. So cool! And so possible!

Mina Nevada airport has almost 5 star review ranking and is fun spot to land small sport airplanes. Now I’m not a pilot or hobby flying enthusiast so please check all specifications before landing here and don’t rely on my info in here. I’m very excited for Mina having this small airport indeed!
Mina Nevada being still considered a ghost town with an airport makes my mind wander into many directions. No! This is not a ghost town. It’s a small town where incredible opportunities are possible. It’s a town that wasn’t discovered yet with all its amenities, location and opportunities. This town will grow in the future. And it’s Mina Airport that will help it grow too. But do we really want Mina town to grow? I think little growth and little bit more care would help this beautiful town a lot!
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