I love this photo! It apears to me that the person who made the photo was standing on top of the old Southern Pacific Railroad turn table.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m almost certain it’s the old Mina Nevada turn table where trains were rotated. So this photographer sometimes around 1909 climbs on the top of the roof of this turn table to take photo of this family or it might be 2 couples and one child a girl most likely daughter of one of the couples standing down.
I would only guess that one of the guys down on the ground gives his son camera who’s maybe 12 years old and he is fit climber, that’s how kids used to be.
The boy is fit and strong and tough, not like today’s kids staring all day into the computer. And he’s pleased to be asked by his father to do this for him.
His father gives him instructions to be very careful with the camera and take one carefully crafted photo of them standing down.
I can only imagine how expensive were cameras and making photographs in those days. I only hope this boy and the camera made it safely back down.
What a great photograph! Good job little Freddie!