Cafe Mina in Mina Nevada

Street scene in Mina Nevada 1941

I came across this postcard from old days of Mina Nevada. This one is from 1941 and it looks like it just rained when the photo was taken.

Cafe Mina – Mina Nevada 1941

And here is the detail from the previous image. It’s the Cafe Mina! I heard – Cafe Mina mentioned here and there and I was always interested where it was located. And now we know where!

I love this image! It makes me wander if this was the spot to meet friends for morning coffee in Mina. I can imagine people sitting, drinking their morning coffee chatting and reading newspapers. It was most likely packed with people in the heydays of this beautiful mining town.

Beautiful letter from former Mina, Nevada resident Michele

I received a beautiful and very interesting letter from Michelle. Michelles connections to Mina Nevada are very interesting. And I am very thankful to her for sending me this letter and sharing with us all a little bit of history of this beautiful town and its connection to her and hers family history.

Thank you Michelle!

Enjoy this beautiful story from Mina Nevada from Michelle’s perspective!

More photos of Mina Nevada from my 2018 trip

I visited Mina Nevada in the summer of 2018. And I fell in love with this small town immediately! Here are few more photos from my trip here.

Look at that beautiful sky over Mina Nevada!
Beautiful views and sky in Mina Mevada
Mina Nevada – summer of 2018
Mina Nevada and few rare trees here!
Old shed left behind in Mina Nevada
Shovel leaning over the fence in Mina Nevada
Old Ford truck left behind in Mina Nevada
The expansive vistas in Mina Nevada – summer of 2018

From Dad visiting Mina, Nevada and Horned Toad

Postcard from Mina Nevada 1944
Postcard from Dad visiting Mina Nevada 1944

What an amazing story this postcard from Mina Nevada, send in April of 1944 tells! It’s a story of the past, mining, adventure, longing and missing family left behind!

I can only imagine this Dad from West Virginia sitting at his desk at 10:45 PM somewhere in his small room in Mina with oil lamp next to him writing to his son Fred. And missing him dearly!

Here is what this postcard from Mina Nevada says:

Fri., 10:45 PM 4/14/44

I wish you and Bob were to go with me to the drills. I think one is near Coal….Now. I saw my first Horned Toad last week. He resembled a lizard. I have some more ore and rock specimens to send you. They are numbered and tagged. I would like a picture of you and Bob.

Love Dad.

How beautiful! How adventurous! It captures Dads love for his family and adventure. And Mina Nevada town is part of this adventure that happened long time ago. And there are thousands more!

Mina Nevada and mileage to other destinations on vintage matchbox cover

Mina Nevadas Stopover Bar matchbox cover with mileage destinations from Mina
Mina Nevadas Stopover Bar matchbox cover

On this cool vintage Stopover bar matchbox cover we can see destinations and mileage to them from Mina Nevada.

Mileage from Mina West and South

Bishop – 87 Bakersfield – 320 Los Angeles – 343


Tonopah – 67 Ely – 235 Wendover – 355

Wells – 374 Salt Lake – 493

North & West

Hawthorne – 33 Yerington – 91 Fallon – 106

Carson – 247 and now – 154

Reno – 278 and now 183

San Francisco – 412

I double checked these mileages and they are almost all pretty much matching today’s mileages. But Reno and Carson which is Carson City is much less miles now. And this is most likely due to highway 95 not existing at that time in mid 20th century.

So now you can drive from Mina to Carson City, NV and cover distance of 154 miles and it will take you about 2.5 hours. And the distance to Reno, NV is 183 miles and it will take about 2 hours and 40 minutes. That highway 95 build saved us about 100 miles of commute to these cities!

Mina Nevada is a beautiful and very interesting small town with rich mining history. And even though some destinations are far, it is a spectacularly beautiful road trip from each side of country and it is well worth taking. I’ve done it and drove from Oakland California and it was the most beautiful one day road trip I ever took.

Once upon a time there was a Photo Company in Mina Nevada

Mina Nevada used to be booming mining town in the good old days when mining was number one industry in America.

Postcard made by Huddleston Photo Company based in Mina Nevada
Postcard made by Huddleston Photo Company based in Mina Nevada

And with all the resources Mina Nevada area had, miners came to prospect and work. There became a need for new services that would serve the Mina’s population.

The Huddleston Photo Company took care of the photo taking and photo making needs in this beautiful forgotten town.

And one of the services that it provided was making postcards of the local area and busy life in Mina Nevada. So when a young miner wanted to send a greetings to his mom or girlfriend he would go to Huddleston Photo Company and buy a beautiful postcard. And that’s what people living and working in Mina Nevada did! So cool!

Mina Nevada booming Railroad Yard

Mina Nevada Railroad Yard

This is one of my favorite photos of Mina Nevada history. You can tell that this town was so alive in the old and gold times of mining and railroad domination.Trains were coming in and out of town carrying people and resources.

Mina Nevada was well known and it was the destination for miners, travelers and adventure seekers. And perhaps that stayed with this now almost forgotten town. The adventure seekers are still coming in and exploring the town of Mina and its history. And of course many are off roading in near by mountains and enjoying the stunning outdoors adventures.

People will always look for unusual places and things to admire. And Mina Nevada town is so special and unusual. And that draws people to explore it and enjoy its unusual beauty and history.

Hollywood Club in Mina Nevada – I want to go dancing there!

Hollywood Club old historic match cover – Mina Nevada

In Mina Nevada there used to be a club where you could take your wife for a drink, nice dinner and dance all night long after! Its name was Hollywood Club!

How fun! How cool! Where are those kind of clubs today? Where can we go and have a great dinner and a drink and then dance for the rest of the evening?

Maybe it is time to bring these kind of small town clubs back. Maybe clubs like these would make small towns far far out there like Mina Nevada is popular again.

I don’t know exactly where Hollywood Club in Mina Nevada was. We can only guess. Or you can help me with that if you know and send me a message. But I am almost certain that, this club was booming with diners and dancers in the heydays of this beautiful small mining town!

Once upon a time in Mina Nevada

Once upon a time in Mina Nevada was a salon named Francine’s Lucky Strike.

It was a gentleman’s place and I knew a very nice guy who lived next door to it. He was doing the maintenance work for this bar. And the owner, I believe it was a woman than would ask this gentleman how he wishes to get paid.

He would ask her, what does she mean how?

She would answer: “In cash or in services?” He told me that he would giggle, but he always took cash.

This gentleman is not alive anymore, but I was fortunate to be able to meet him and listen to his interesting stories. I really really miss him!

I found this interesting material from 1976 and it is the guide to Nevadas gentlemen’s places. There is also Mina Nevada own Lucky Strike bar.

1976 Guide to gentlemen’s places. Mina Nevada – Lucky Strike bar included.
Mina Nevada – Lucky Strike Bar
Mina Nevada – page from Guide to Gentlemen’s places
1976 Guide to Gentleman’s places where Mina Nevada – Lucky Strike Bar is mentioned too.
1976 Guide to Gentleman’s places where Mina Nevada – Lucky Strike Bar is mentioned too.
1976 Guide to Gentleman’s places where Mina Nevada – Lucky Strike Bar is mentioned too.

Yes, this is also part of Mina Nevada towns history. Mina Nevada does not have any gentlemen’s place currently in town anymore. But like a true Wild West town, it did before!

Dear Mama! From Mina, Nevada

I came across a very rare postcard from Mina Nevada. And it tells the story too. What a beautiful reminder of the past life in Mina Nevada and people who lived here and spend some time here.

Rare postcard from Mina Nevada where Southern Pacific Co. Cottages are pictured.
Postcard from Mina Nevada addressed to Mama! Please give it a read!

I was able to successfully read about first 1/2 of this postcard to Mama. And than I stumbled a little. First part says:

“Dear Mama! Am sending you a picture of the place where me are (or am) living now. I have a crash on the house me hire the first one of this …………”

And that’s what this very carrying son or daughter was writing to hers or his mom in 1915. It was more than 100 years ago.

I believe these cottages are still standing in Mina Nevada. Or maybe I’m wrong. But if they are and someone lives in them, they certainly should see this postcard and know that each of these houses have a story to tell. A story from the beautiful booming past of this beautiful little town on the western frontier of USA – Mina Nevada.