What an amazing story this postcard from Mina Nevada, send in April of 1944 tells! It’s a story of the past, mining, adventure, longing and missing family left behind!
I can only imagine this Dad from West Virginia sitting at his desk at 10:45 PM somewhere in his small room in Mina with oil lamp next to him writing to his son Fred. And missing him dearly!
Here is what this postcard from Mina Nevada says:
Fri., 10:45 PM 4/14/44
I wish you and Bob were to go with me to the drills. I think one is near Coal….Now. I saw my first Horned Toad last week. He resembled a lizard. I have some more ore and rock specimens to send you. They are numbered and tagged. I would like a picture of you and Bob.
Love Dad.
How beautiful! How adventurous! It captures Dads love for his family and adventure. And Mina Nevada town is part of this adventure that happened long time ago. And there are thousands more!