This web site is about a beautiful town of Mina in Nevada. This town is located in Mineral county Nevada 2 hours and 45 minutes spectacularly beautiful drive north from Reno.
And you could also say Mina, NV is located in the middle of nowhere. But you can disagree with that. And you would be right too. Mina, NV is not too far from natural beauties like Mono lake in California, Yosemite national park, Benton hot springs, Bridgeport hot springs and others.

Mina, NV is just under 6 hours away from one of the most booming and progressive areas in the world – San Francisco bay area. So is Mina, NV really in the middle of nowhere? In my opinion, in this times of fast speed internet and working from home, not really. Mina is just a little bit on the side from the main happening.

Mina, NV is a town I love and a town with lots of history behind it. It is called a ghost towN, like many small former mining tows of Nevada. But people still live here. So is it really a ghost town?
I visited this little charming town and I fell in love with it. I dedicated this website to truly immerse myself in history and getting to know this beautiful little town just east of Californian borders. I will be updating it slowly over time looking for more photos and information about Mina.
Please join me on this long term project and enjoy the ride! And maybe someday we will meet in Mina.